Six Steps to Recover Revenue Lost During Coronavirus

Nearly every Florida dentist is affected by the COVID-19 shutdown. The biggest concern: no patients presently in the chair means no incoming revenue.  It’s important to start planning NOW to recover lost revenue and make a smooth return to business. Here’s how:

  1. Analyze your weekly lost revenue due to virus closures and disruptions. What did you bring in last year in the same weeks? This will give you a specific target.
  2. List your top three most profitable types of patient visits.
  3. Use your practice revenue optimizer software to create a report for patients who have not completed needed visits in the last 6 months that correlate with #2.
  4. For open calendar slots, ask staff to prioritize patients in the report alongside those displaced in the down weeks. You may need to consider expanding work hours.
  5. Use a tight task-management solution to maximize staff daily efficiency and communication.
  6. Set daily revenue goals and monitor in real time.

iCoreConnect is an approved FDA Crown Savings merchant. During the Coronavirus outage, iCoreConnect is making its dental revenue experts available directly to FDA members. 

Click here to schedule a free, half-hour Revenue Recovery planning session to talk through your specific goals.

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