Florida Dental Association Helps with Staffing Shortages with New Jumpstart Initiative

In an effort to contribute solutions to the workforce challenges faced by Florida dentists, the Florida Dental Association (FDA) has implemented Jumpstart. Jumpstart is an initiative designed to connect pre-dental students who are interested in volunteering or working with dental offices in need of staff. The brainchild of FDA President Beatriz Terry, Jumpstart is a new tool exclusively offered to FDA members.

This initiative provides a unique opportunity for pre-dental students to gain valuable hands-on experience in a real-world setting. By volunteering or working in dental offices, students can develop their skills, learn from experienced professionals, and get a feel for what a career in dentistry is truly like. For dentists, this program offers a solution to staffing shortages by connecting them with enthusiastic and capable students eager to learn and contribute. Of course, areas near colleges and dental schools may have the most demand; however, students often travel to other parts of the state for summer or other breaks. The best way for dentists to know is to take a look at the Jumpstart directory (floridadental.org/member-center/jumpstart-directory) and contact students to start a dialogue. 

Interested students are still being encouraged to register at floridadental.org/jumpstart so the directory may continue to grow. Dentists who have staffing opportunities should look through the directory to see if any students fit their needs. While we acknowledge this may not be a solution for all, it is a first step in connecting interested parties, and hope to build out the program with networking and educational components. The FDA envisions Jumpstart as a growing platform that will not only help to address immediate staffing challenges but also foster long-term relationships and mentorships between established dentists and the next generation of dental professionals.

Jumpstart is more than just a directory – it's a comprehensive program designed to support the dental community in Florida. By facilitating connections between pre-dental students and dental offices, Jumpstart helps to ensure that the future of dentistry is bright, well-trained, and ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Whether you're a student looking to gain experience or a dentist seeking help, Jumpstart offers a valuable resource to help meet your needs.

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